INTIS joins Hyperloop Development Program to continue Innovation Research
INTIS GmbH is a German company and a 100% subsidiary of the Munich based test and engineering service provider IABG mbH. INTIS caters to the growing transport and energy markets at its branch in Lathen, The Emsland. INTIS has recently joined the Hyperloop Development Program in pursuit of their ongoing research and development of infrastructure solutions for future sustainable energy and e-mobility systems.
INTIS can utilize its vast experience and know-how gained during the development of the Transrapid maglev trains, tested and certified on the maglev test track in Lathen – also known as Transrapid Versuchsanlage Emsland (TVE). INTIS envisages the re-opening of TVE for system level testing and certification of future high speed rail guided transportation systems such as Hyperloop.
TVE being in close proximity to HDP partner Hochschule Emden/Leer and Stichting European Hyperloop Center, is strengthening the hyperloop ecosystem in this region. This new addition to the Hyperloop Development Program’s set of partners supports HDP’s upcoming European Hyperloop Center (EHC) for research and development, creating synergies through which the parties will work towards further technological advancements and convergence.
As part of the HDP, INTIS will gather requirements from various stakeholders from within and outside of the program to investigate the use of TVE for large-scale testing of hyperloop technology and the design of relevant test programs.